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Mongolian interpreter-translator in US & Canada -- The Mongol Translation Company, based in Arlington, VA, provides a broad range of interpretation and translating services. They have interpreted for the US State Department, various federal government agencies, US and Mongolian corporations, NGOs, Canadian and US national, federal, state, provincial and administrative courts and for both Mongolian delegations visiting North America or foreign delegations going to Mongolia.


The principal is Mr. Munich L. Lamjav, who has 11 years of  professional language usage of Russian, French, English, Spanish, German and Mongolian. Munich received an MA in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies (CA) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from the University of Utah. He has taught the Mongolian language at the State Department’s  Foreign Service Institute.


Contact: Munich L. Lamjav,  Mongol Translation Company, email : [email protected], Telephone: (703) 920-2685 or (831) 915-2929,

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NEED A BUSINESS REP IN MONGOLIA ? Mongolian MBA candidate, fluent in spoken and written English, now finishing degree in Kansas available to represent foreign investors/traders in Ulaanbaatar; prior Bachelor's degrees in business administration from Mongolian State University and in English teaching from Otgontenger Institute; senior prior corporate experience in arranging Mongol-Japanese, Mongol-US joint ventures in auto sales, oil exploration, tourism development.
CONTACT TUVSHINJARGAL Tuul, email: [email protected]; TEL: (316) 945-4531 or 204-5434; mailing address: 3801 West 13th Street #616, Wichita, KS 67203

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